It's unreal as I gaze at Zachary eat, the miracle that had to take place for him to be my son. For the physical conception alone mind you, but the hearts that had to be sensitive, ears to be opened, circumstances and people surrounding the situation to all work out. I mean planets had to align. But you know what? Piece of cake for God. Adoption is nothing but a GOD THING. There's no other explanation for this to go down without the power of the hand of God. I am reminded if that in all things.
For any situation that seems hopeless, He is our hope. Situations that seem impossible, He is all powerful. Sometimes we forget that God is GOD. Yahweh. He doesn't need our help or our advice, what He desires is our heart and our faith. I've never felt more at peace than when I have rested in His arms knowing that He is in control and not me. Praise Him for all things are possible with Him.
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